Nordic Sustainable Campus Network (NSCN)

The Nordic Sustainable Campus Network is targeted to sustainability/environmental staff working in the Nordic higher education institutions – both in administration and teaching. NSCN was created in 2012 to strengthen the sustainability efforts already in action in the Nordic higher education institutions. The establishment of NSCN was financially supported by The Nordic Council of Ministers.
In 2014, NSCN became a part of NUAS (the Nordic Association of University Administration) as a new working group called NUAS Sustainability. The merger of NSCN and NUAS offers good opportunities for collaborating with the other sectors of university administration – including facilities, communications, IT and libraries, among many others. In practise, the targets and objectives of NSCN will remain as they are, as well as the already established and well-functioning platforms for communication (website and mailing-list).
The organization of NSCN was adapted to the structure of the other NUAS working groups during spring 2015: The core group consists of 9 members, 2 from Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland, and 1 from Iceland. In addition to the 9 members, NUAS Sustainability/NSCN has a coordinator responsible for the administration and communications of the network, and the joint Nordic projects implemented with external funding (Rio+20 project, Nordic Case Competition, future projects).
- improving sustainability in Nordic higher education institutes
- committing top management and involving all university stakeholders
- supporting sustainability activities within Nordic universities by managing and distributing knowledge on the platforms for communication
- strengthening Nordic visibility in global networks like ISCN
- sharing experiences and best practices