The Canadian College and University Environmental Network (CCUEN)
P.O. Box 370,
K7V 4A6 Renfrew, Ontario, United States

The Canadian College and University Environmental Network (CCUEN‑RCCUE) is an organization established to bring together environmental educators at universities, colleges, CEGEPs, technical institutes, and similar organizations that offer educational programs in any environmental field.
Since the initial meetings of college and university educators in 2002 and 2003 the Canadian College and University Environmental Network (CCUEN) - Réseau Canadien des Collèges et des Universités en Environnement (RCCUE) has become the primary voice of Canadian college and university environmental educators. This site provides visitors with information about the CCUEN: its organization, core activities, recent and upcoming events, member resources, and sponsors.
One of the core activities is the annual CCUEN-RCCUE conference. Through this conference we explore a range of issues and challenges for environmental educators such as recruitment, marketing, accreditation and certification, curriculum and national occupational standards. The CCEUN bring researchers, politicians, employers and educators, students and government officials together to inform and benefit our members.