Utrecht University
Heidelberglaan 8
3584 Utrecht, Netherlands
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Utrecht University is a wide-range, international research university of high standing; with a strong connection to the city of Utrecht and roots deep in the past (1636).
Utrecht University researches, educates and communicates the results across disciplines and shares knowledge and insights that lay the foundation for the future. Shared perspectives are the source of tomorrow’s solutions.
Sustainability Actions
In an explicit effort to help create a better world and a sustainable society and to contribute specifically to the SDGs, the university wants to connect knowledge on sustainability (gained through education and research) to its operational management. At the same time, use is being made of its own operations and buildings and grounds by providing an environment for academic research. During the previous period, the university took the first steps toward ensuring the SDGs are recognizably reflected in its educational curriculum, and it is now continuing those efforts, basing the thinking more strongly on global development issues.
The university continues to build on existing strategies and ongoing initiatives and wishes, to make a real difference in coming years in connection with the theme of sustainability. Through its operational management, the university is able to contribute to over half of the SDGs, from the ‘Climate Action’ theme to the ‘Gender Equality’ theme. In keeping with the SDGS, Utrecht University is working to achieve climate-neutral, zero-waste operations by 2030 and to increase the local biodiversity.
Find out more about the Sustainability in Utrecht University.