Clean energy and other green economy organisations are so busy but need more quality employees. Are you interested in how to improve recruitment and hiring with less effort? Are you an employer, a career advisor or an educator? Then you should attend the Solutions Summit. Brought to you by UNEP-YEA’s Green Jobs initiative, the Higher Education Sustainability Initiative and the Green Learning Network, we are making it easier for organisations to be more successful. There is no charge. We appreciate all your efforts and want to support your great work.
Date: 1 June 2022
Time: 2 to 3:30 pm CEST
Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZctdu2vqD8pEtOT9O6gSMQeW3dEdUeGqkoK
The event covers:
Recruiting trainees and employees into the clean energy and green building fields
Increasing successful hiring
Creating a more inclusive and higher quality workforce
Introducing a Green Learning Network platform to share/understand success strategies
Interacting with other attendees to make useful connections
This Summit is a follow up to previous convenings with the International Association of Universities and REN21. Registrants will receive a recording and materials after the event.