Mentoring programme report 2018 -Women Leaders of Higher Education Institutions of the Americas (EMULIES)

This publication is the result of the Mentoring Program 2018 - Training for Women Leaders in the Higher Education Institutions organized by the Espacio de Mujeres Líderes de Instituciones de Educación Superior de las Américas(Emulies) Program of the Inter-American Organization for Higher Education (IOHE), in coordination with the Pontifica Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) and the UNESCO Regional Chair Women, Science and Technology in Latin America Flacso (Argentina).

The program promotes women's leadership by focusing on gender relationships as power relationships. Mentoring is understood as a unique relationship established between a woman who has experience and knowledge in a particular field and a younger woman who seeks guidance and support in their personal and professional projects. The incorporation of a gender perspective contributes to raising awareness among young women about the impact of stereotypes that may hinder their career development, decision-making, and access to positions of power. By recognizing and addressing these barriers, mentoring processes with a gender focus help manage careers in environments where women face specific challenges in academia and professional settings. They also raise awareness about the self-imposed limitations that women often place on themselves.

Read the publication  here.

Latest update: 30.04.2024