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New SDGs-in-the-Classroom Toolkit launches

An innovative and comprehensive SDGs-in-the-Classroom Toolkit has just been launched. It has been designed to assist York University faculty with their efforts to infuse the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into their teaching and learning activities.

The toolkit is envisioned to be a living resource, continuing to provide developed and curated resources and materials along with collaborative opportunities to support educators. The toolkit aims to serve everyone by providing inspiring and innovative ways to infuse the SDGs into their unique teaching and learning environments. 

The SDGs-in-the-Classroom Toolkit will also serve as a platform for collaboration. Educators can find information on how they can become members of the SDGs-in-the-Classroom Community of Practice. As well, SDGs Curricular Champions are showcased on the website. They are instructors at York University who are currently infusing the SDGs in their courses using a variety of approaches. Short videos feature these curricular champions from different faculties discussing how they have successfully incorporated the SDGs in their classroom teaching. These videos were created with the intent to provide real-life examples and motivation to other educators interested in the initiative. Educators interested in learning more, or those who want to collaborate, can also contact the curricular champions, or the toolkit leads themselves.

The tollkit can be found here: 

Latest update: 05.10.2023